Hi all, As I think about what makes my space nicer/makes me in a better mood, and as I think about what my favorite classrooms have had, I decided to decorate a bit in my home "classroom." Here are my favorite pieces so far: a) Klutz juggling balls (for demonstrating parabolas but also entertaining myself when my students are doing stuff and I have to wait for them) b) Back scratcher in a tetrahedron shape - useful for visualizing chemical bonds c) Picture of a calculus book taken by one of my students years ago for an art class d) Black and white portrait of a student, again from years ago at my first school e) Gnome - weighted bottom makes it stand up wherever and it's a good conversation piece f) Bar stool(s) - high enough for a seated break from my standing desk, foot rests, and it encourages good posture g) guitar - martin, inspires me to play sometimes while I'm waiting h) Google lava lamp (thanks Chris L)